Max Walter Lights The Way

“I felt like God had put it on my heart to one day do the same for somebody else.”
Max Walter is an artist who creates powerful tracks to share with his audience. He grew up listening to Drake, Meek Mill, and J. Cole; he enjoyed the music, but something important was missing.
“It wasn’t until I heard the song, ‘How Could You Leave Us,’ by artist NF, that I finally felt like somebody understood my pain,” the musician shared.
After listening to the song on repeat, Max found comfort and relatability in the lyrics NF was speaking.
“He was saying things that I felt, but that I didn't know how to express through words,” Max explained. “It was at that moment that I felt God’s calling.”
The artist continued to work on his music, sharing the impact God had made in his own life through lyrics and beats. After one performance, Max was approached by an audience member who shared a powerful testimony.
“There was a teen, about 15 years old, that came up to me, and told me that tragically his dad had taken his own life only two weeks earlier,” the artist shared.
The teen explained to Max how extremely difficult it had been, but that attending the show that night had changed him. He said that the music had helped him start to find peace in the storm, and that it gave him the ability to start to trust God through the pain.
“After that conversation, I went to my green room with tears in my eyes, thanking the Lord for using me like that,” Max humbly shared.
In a struggling world, music can be that one important offer of hope and light that can resonate with people. Max found the light and now is creating his own light, with God’s leading, to inspire others.
*Photo courtesy of artist