Cárson Crazé Channels Pain Into Positivity

“For me, music is a way to testify and share my deliverance to help others come to know the Lord.”
Cárson Crazé, a Lofi Gospel music producer and hip hop artist, creates God-glorifying art.
“The main reason I started incorporating Yahweh into my music was the lack of talent in the Gospel music scene,” he stated. “The music industry can be very challenging, whether in the Christian or secular space.”
Cárson revealed that like everyone else, he has had his own share of traumatic experiences that brought him to a point where he wanted to fully embrace Yeshua.
“It’s often when you’re at your lowest that you encounter Christ,” he shared.
The producer said that his faith influences his creative process in two specific ways: through experiencing pain and healing from it.
“Throughout the Bible, there is a consistent pattern,” he explained. “Yahweh warns people through a prophet or other source that there will be consequences to their actions. There isn’t an instant punishment, and there is a period of redemption, or grace, to put it simply.”
Cárson added, “Those who continued to disobey suffered the consequences, but even after suffering, it initiated a transformation in them to do better and fulfill the will of Yahweh.”
He assured that the righteous also suffer in the process because doing the right thing can be difficult, but they too still see light at the end of the tunnel.
“We play a role in our sin, and unfortunately, we also play a role in the sin of others,” the artist pointed out. “But everything works for the good of the Lord, and He is ready to forgive us with open arms.”
Because of God’s gift of forgiveness, Cárson advised that we must learn to forgive one another and channel that pain into positivity.
“The fact that I can confess my transgressions, testify on beats, and help someone at least be curious about Christ is what motivates me the most,” he shared.
In his track ‘Strike (Holster),’ Cárson gives excellent insight in his lyrics: ‘I wanna follow Christ so spirit gets stronger.’ Strength is found in God; and artists, like Cárson, are sharing that truth through their art to the world.