Caddy&Co Rocks

“My life and art are merely a reflection of the time I spend both with and for Him.”
Christian rocker Josh Caddy of Caddy&Co creates music to glorify Jesus.
“I’ve been playing rock music my whole life,” he shared. “It’s the DNA of my musical lifeblood.”
After giving his life to Christ, the musician became a church worship leader, and held that title exclusively for six years.
“The Lord then put it on my heart to create original music again,” the rocker explained. “There was no question in my mind of what it would be - ROCK N ROLL! — but for Him, instead of myself and the world.”
Caddy shared that he doesn’t even have a band, but God said to just create the music and trust Him with the outcome; and the rocker complied.
“I honestly don’t even know where this music is going. I just pray that it blesses my brothers and sisters in the church, and that it reaches those outside of the church for His purposes,” he said.
The artist gives thanks to God for the experiences that have shaped and strengthened his faith.
“My wife often jokes that my faith comes easy to me because I seem to be the one who doesn’t get bothered, stressed, or worried by much,” Caddy said. “The truth is I’ve just gone through so much already that the worries of life now are nothing compared to the hardships and struggles I’ve already endured.”
The rocker shared that he’s very much a part of his local church.
“By being a part of the body; by giving my time, talents, and treasures; and by participating in what God is doing in His church, He sustains my faith and gives me the strength and encouragement I need to endure,” Caddy shared.
The musician shared that it’s not always easy and at times he doesn’t want to say yes or agree to every request.
“But saying yes to God, to anything one might do for Him whether in the church or out of it, is a noble and worthy goal to aim for.”

*images belong to artist