Shaddox Brings the BOLD

Rap artist Shaddox loves you; and with love, he will tell you about the Truth. His brand and movement, Bold Christian Music, has a simple mission: “I will be Bold in Christ.”
Holding to Biblical integrity, rejecting the pressures of the world, and without compromise, the artist makes music to motivate others, help them in their walk with God, and reach the lost.
In his daily life, the rapper lives boldly; he incorporates worship and conversations with the Creator, as ways to grow deeper in faith.
“Whether it’s writing a song, going to the gym, working, or just driving somewhere, I talk to Him about everything,” the artist shared. “I try to be vulnerable with Him, even when it feels difficult.”
Throughout the year, the artist utilizes fasting as a powerful way to grow in God, and he encourages others to fast.
“It’s easy to pray and tell God you trust Him, but it’s different when you are physically denying your flesh and seeking God,” he said.
Shaddox began his journey with God as a young child; he grew up in a Christian family, but did not have a personal relationship with God until after his teen years.
He started his music journey in 2019; and inspired by his upbringing, he chose to write clean lyrics. However, the music was for a secular crowd; and God had other plans for the artist.
“I started making music for the wrong reasons,” the artist explained. “That all changed in late 2022; I gave all of my music, and all of my life, to God.”
A few months later in February 2023, Shaddox was baptized. He knew the hand of God had been with him; and he was being led to create music for God and His people.
Instead of giving up, Shaddox drew his strength from the Lord and started to create bold Christian music. The lyrics of his track, ‘GO LOUD,’ elaborates: “God is in charge of my life; I just do what I’m told.”
Shaddox shares his music on multiple platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.) On his personal playlist, Shaddox listens to Phil Wickham, Skillet, Alex Jean, and S.O.
“Alex Jean brings a style and vibe that’s different from traditional rap,” the artist said. “But if I’m in the mood for just raw dope Christian Rap, an artist that I personally don’t see get talked about enough is S.O. He’s one of my dream collabs. The dude is a beast.”
Shaddox has performed in a variety of venues, but an unexpected moment led to a shocking, awesome experience at the 2023 Boise Music Festival.
“I’m not sure if I was the only Christian artist at the show, so I won’t claim that I was; but the event is primarily secular, especially in the hip hop genre,” the rapper explained.
“I was fully prepared to perform and be laughed at and mocked. But I remember after my first song, when I heard the response and people cheering; I thought to myself, ‘Dang, they’re actually feeling this.’ That whole performance was a shock to me because I genuinely wasn’t expecting support.”
Shaddox shared that when he sees a harvest take place from music, he knows there is no question that it’s from the Lord.
“There is no chance I could do music without God,” the artist explained. “I came to a place in my life where I let everything go, and I gave God full control to lead me and do as He wills.”
The rapper knows that his decision to fully trust God and submit his entire life to God was an act of obedience. He shared words of experience for others as they travel their own journey with the Lord.
“God knows everything. He knows us better than we know ourselves,” he explained. “If being on the verge of giving up is what it takes for you to fully surrender and let God take control, then sometimes He will allow you to get to that point. If God is allowing you to be broken down, it's for a reason."
*photo courtesy of artist